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What is your time between dermatology appointments?

I have moved around from three, to six, to twelve months. How about you?

  1. I go every 3 months to see my dermatologist. He recently told me we could work our way to 6 months. I told him I was happy at 3 months. He said that suited him fine.

    1. I’ve been going every 3 months for almost 4 years. I just got the go ahead to go to an every six month schedule. I was a little hesitant but both my dermatologists assured me that I can go in to see them whenever I have something of concern and I don’t necessarily need to wait the full six months. Looking forward to longer breaks for sure.

      1. isn't that a great feeling when they release to the six-month schedule? I am so glad you have made such wonderful progress! April,, Moderator

      2. Sounds like you have a great relationship with your doctors. Scott moderator

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