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Why don't they listen?

People seem to ignore the messaging about good skin care. Why is that?

  1. In my opinion I think everyone thinks skin cancer won’t happen to them.

    1. I agree. I never thought it would happen to me. Heck, in my misguided world, there was not even a risk to me. I am a dark brunette. Dark brown eyes. I thought skin cancer was something fair-skinned folks had to worry about.

    2. I think there is still a lot of ignorance about what it is and is not. Some folks know what it is and that it could possibly harm them but they just take the chance. Others have no clue that they may be affected. Scott moderator

  2. I agree. It does drive me crazy when friends see what I am going through and still go out to “get some color”. 🙄

    1. Yes, they don't understand that getting color is a sign of damage. Scott moderator

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