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a bottle of sunscreen wearing a reflective vest doing road work

Caution Roadwork Ahead: Bring Sunscreen

You are making good time (whatever good time is) and then you see it from a distance. Red lights backed up for miles. Roadwork ahead, now you are making not so good time. I don’t like traffic. In fact, I detest it and so the thought of sitting on Interstate “Name your number” for 45 extra minutes requires deep breathing exercises and relaxing music.

Working outside and the threat of sun damage

This happens to me a lot as I have to make short trips for work to places like Pittsburgh and Syracuse. Roadwork is the bane of my existence (Why can’t they do this at some other time?). One of the last times I hit this kind of traffic was a hot day last summer. As I approached the work crew, I immediately stopped thinking about myself and focused on them.

  • I thought about their long hours melting and baking in the sun.
  • I thought about what a challenging job it must be.
  • I thought about how I would be a terrible candidate for such a job.
  • I thought about all the dangerous UV rays to which I would be exposed.

Passing out sunscreen to community workers

I couldn’t imagine standing in the sun all day waving at cars. So, as I crept by one gentleman who looked like he could use a break, I asked him if he wanted sunscreen. I rolled down my car window and tossed an extra bottle for the crew and him. He waved thanks (or waved me on). And that was that. Yet, it stirred in me the thought that every day in this country, people are in the sun all day not by choice, but because they need to feed their families.

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Companies are taking action

Evidently, I am not the only one passing out sunscreen to outdoor workers. One company in Kuala Lumpur is distributing its products more widely to military personnel who work at roadblocks.1 These hard-working folks receive spray sunblock, aloe vera gel, a towel, and snacks. It’s one way that a corporation can protect those who protect their communities.

Think about those who are working outside in your community

I do love this. I appreciate it when people care about other people, especially people who serve the community. Here are my thoughts about helping those in our neighborhoods and cities. In addition to road workers, pass out sunscreen to:

  • Sanitation and utility workers
  • Lawn care workers
  • Construction workers
  • Umpires and sports officials
  • Youth sports workers
  • Caddies
  • Anyone you may think of who works in the sun

It’s good for business

I know that I really appreciate it when film and television companies provide sunscreen for cast and crew on exterior sets. This not only protects people but it raises awareness of the dangers of burning sun rays. It’s in the best interest of companies to keep their workers healthy AND comfortable. Sunburned workers are not comfortable workers. Additionally, sunburned faces can affect the continuity of scenes shot over multiple days.

Put a few mini bottles of sunscreen in your car and when you slow down to give workers “a brake”, give them a bottle, too (of sunscreen that is).

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