CBD Oil (The Legal Kind) and Skin CancerThe state where I live, Indiana, isn’t known for being particularly progressive. CBD oil was a hot topic in legislation for a long time before our governor signed a bill...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Get Naked (!!!), Get Checked"Get Naked, Get Checked." I've said this statement multiple times, trying to encourage people to get a skin check. I don't know if I'll ever stop saying it. However, we...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Skin Cancer and Your DietCan what you eat help prevent skin cancer? Mounting evidence says that when it comes to your skin and cancer, the old adage is true. You (and your skin) are...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
FDA Approves Immunotherapy Drug Libtayo for Advanced Cutaneous Squamous Cell CarcinomaOn September 28, 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Libtayo (cemiplimab-rwlc) for the treatment of metastatic or locally advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC). This approval is...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Mohs Surgery: I’m Too Young – Right?Back when I had my first Mohs surgery, I noticed something – I seemed to be the youngest person in the waiting room. It may be interesting to know that...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dermatologists and Dentists: Biopsy FatigueI am not a huge fan of going to see the dentist. The high-pitched drill, the pain, the needles: it’s all a bit too much at times. I don’t mind...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Skin Cancer Community on InstagramDid you know that you can find the SkinCancer.net community on Instagram? We're excited to continue sharing the same great information and messages about living with skin cancer as part...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Telling YOUR StoryI remember the very instant that it hit me. I was in Albany, New York, sitting in front of New York State Senator, Patrick Gallivan. I was part of a...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Face-Palms and Riding MowersYard work is rolling to a close soon, for some of you that is. Those of us in the steamy and stubborn south have several weeks left to find creative...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Running with the Skin Cancer WarriorsLast Saturday, in the driving rain, I ran with a small but determined group of skin cancer warriors. As the Melanoma Research Foundation organizers and speakers repeated so eloquently, "Cancer...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How Do Liquid Biopsies Work?Liquid biopsies are an exciting testing tool for skin cancer. This simple blood test can identify the genetic makeup of tumors and assess the best treatment plan in a non-invasive...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Skin Cancer - Party of 1As the saying goes, "one is a lonely number". And as far as cancer goes, skin cancer is a lonely cancer. I’ve had skin cancer for over 23 years. For...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Advocating and EducatingAwareness can mean different things to different people. When it comes to skin cancer, awareness can refer to a connection with someone who has the condition, an understanding of what...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Wondering What You Did to Deserve Skin CancerWhen I got the diagnosis of skin cancer, my first thoughts were wondering what was going to happen to me. However, my next thoughts were wondering what I had done...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Benefits of Physical Rehabilitation of a Person with Cancer, Part IHearing the dreaded diagnosis of cancer is something no one wishes to hear. Many questions come along with it… What kind? How bad? How long do I have? What do...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Pack Your Parasol!While communicating with one of our community members, my response included a rhetorical question about bringing back the parasol as a fashion statement and necessity. Thereafter, I noticed several favorable...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
College Students and Tanning“You look great. You’re so tan!” Ah...the college years in the 1980’s in Southern California, full of fraternity parties, dinner dates, movies in Westwood, and oneself. Healthy body, healthy glow...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Practicing Long-Term MonitoringMany of our community members feel that awareness is about self-advocacy and diligence. Monitoring yourself or your loved ones for skin cancer is a way to increase awareness and to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Skin Picking: A Habit That's Hard to BreakMy urge to pick at my skin while living with skin cancer is so strong – and often irresistible – that I thought I might have a disorder. For example...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Age Spots By Any Other NameI remember exactly when it happened. I was driving to school, and I caught a glimpse of my hand wrapped around the steering wheel. I’m still not sure what made...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments