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Ac Keratosis treatment. Expiry date of regencorr.

Hello, I have already asked this question on another forum but have not received an answer.
I am finishing treatment for actinic keratosis but the expiry date of regencorr cream is almost over. I need to finish the treatment and use it for preventative purposes for another month. Can I still use it and will it be effective? I have never left it at room temperature. I only store it in the refrigerator.

  1. Hi - thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, we cannot provide medical advice for your own safety as we are not medical professionals. That said, we do have a fairly active forum thread about regencorr cream with community members who have used the cream. Here is the link: It may be a good idea to post your question there or read through the thread to see if there's helpful info in there. But, of course, we strongly advise checking with your doctor before making any changes to your treatment plan. I hope this helps - please keep me posted on how you're doing! -Alexa ( moderator)

    1. Hi Carin. Alexa is right, maybe you should have written and asked the question in the thread that Irma started because more experienced people read this thread. Should ask Albe, he wrote something about the expiry date of the cream and people with experience. I did not even think about the expiration date. I have an expiration date on my cream in a couple of months, but I've almost completely used it up. The next preventive I'm not planning until fall or winter at the earliest. How is it that you started using it near the end of the expiration date?

      1. Hi Lora. Thank you for replying. I had the cream in the fridge for several months before I started treatment. This was because after the first actinic keratosis lesion was detected, I wanted to start treatment, but after some time I noticed another area of skin with suspected actinic keratosis. I had to confirm the diagnosis and have a biopsy. It took me a long time to get an appointment with the doctor. I wanted to treat all the lesions at the same time if the diagnosis was confirmed. It turned out to be AK as well.

    2. It's not so simple with expiry dates. I am not talking about food, but about medicines and medicinal creams and ointments. I have been wondering about these issues. Well, if the storage temperature is not exceeded, it turns out that the real shelf life is much longer than the one indicated on the package. a lot has been written about this.
      I wrote once that you can find posts of people who have used expired cream for treatment. The effectiveness of the cream has not been lost at all.
      If the cream has been heated or kept warm for a long time in a room, it is definitely better to throw it away when the expiry date has passed. If the cream stored properly, ie in the refrigerator, it does not lose its properties for many months. especially since your cream has expired, just recently. I don't see any problem.

      1. Thanks a lot for the reply. I will finish the treatment and prevention. It is good that I did not pause the treatment. Of course, I kept the cream only in the fridge. The feeling is that the manufacturers of medicines deliberately do not give us all the information.

      2. It is not quite like that. Drug manufacturers do not have to write all the information. But they do have to write about exactly how long they can guarantee the expiry date.
        For example, I once took a simple skin moisturizer, I wanted to use it after shaving, and the tube said it had a shelf life of six months when it was opened, even though it had a shelf life of three years printed on the packaging. Now that's just utter nonsense.
        I first noticed at regencorr that there was a lot of frequent and nerdy reference to the storage temperature of the cream. And then, after thinking about it, I realized that it's written for a reason. The instructions say room temperature and restrictions. And then I realised that we all have different room temperatures and most of the time the temperature in the living room is much higher than this, but I don't think many people follow or think about this.

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