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Does anyone have experience of this ?
alexavecchione Community Admin
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Hearts Rest Member
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Yes, I have had a similar experience. In my case though the SCC seems to have spread to distant lymph nodes and possibly my lungs. How are you doing? I'm at a point of trying to decide about my path ahead and how aggressively I want to treat it or not. This feels quite frightening. It's a matter of fact, I'm having a hard time finding very much information about it, especially from patients.
Julie.Byers Community Admin
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Hearts Rest Member
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I appreciate your reply Julie. I am in a holding pattern as my PET scan had to be rescheduled. I have appointments with 4 different oncologists this month and eventually I will have a more definitive diagnosis. Not a lot to do other than make the most of this time and put worry on the back-burner. Getting my will and health care directive updated--always a good thing. I was so very grateful to find this forum; it has been so helpful already.
Julie.Byers Community Admin
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CommunityMember677 Member
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I have just learned I have regional metastasis from cscc on forehead to a lump in front of right ear .
Waiting to hear treatment details
Julie.Byers Community Admin
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