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Eggplant extract for skin cancer

I am a retired physician and am thoroughly familiar with skin cancer of my own and others. In recent years, I became aware of the successful use of eggplant therapy in different kinds of skin cancer. I had basil cells on both ears. Persistent use over weeks led to complete remission. For one of many tired of biopsy and cut.. My dermatologist turned up his nose and walked out. Nothing like a little greed from those like him and Big Pharma to block empowering individuals.

  1. Thank you for your eggplant therapy. I am now 81 years -I have seen Big Pharma kill to many people. I gave up on Pharma years ago for foods and herbs. My dermatologist has a hard time with me also. I have had Basil cell and Squamish in over eight places now. My wife and I enjoy eggplant. Now I know what to add to the diet with a reason. My dermatologist lead me to a test of Niacin 1000mg per day, it held back skin cancer by 23%. They are thinking right.

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