Hello and thank you for posting this. I have not seen an app like this with an accraccy this high. Do you have a link we can find to download this? I would like to upload pictures I have that I know have been confirmed as melonoma, just to see how it works.
I started just taking pictures and putting in a library to keep track of any moles I feel should be watched, and just keep an eye on them to see if they evolve. That so far seems to work best, and is they best way to get a doctor to take notice; if they are changing.
I do have a Molescope 2 to get better pictures, that helps also when showing a doctor that a mole or spot is changing, getting more detail. I also have a device called Nota Mole. It works by measuring the impedance of the skin. Normal skin will have a differant impedance than abnormal skin. It works pretty good, but can be a bit finicky getting a good reading.
Anyway, any information you can provide would be great, like you experience and if it caught anything for you. I will try to get ahold of it and try it myself.
Thank you.