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Morpheaform BCC

My diagnostic appointment isn't until Dec. 11 but I'm very worried because I meet all the risk factors (light skinned, blue eyed, burn easily) and I've had several bad burns over my life. I'm 60 years old and I have a raised pink bump on the tip of my nose that's been there for about a year … it bled and crusted over several times but now is just pink and shiny, about 1/4 inch. But what scares me is now that I'm researching, I'm seeing a TON of scar-like tissue all over my nose, from the bottom to like 3/4 of the way up. I'm pretty certain it's morpheaform BCC and I'm afraid to wait until Dec. 11! Has anyone had morpheaform and can you post your experience here if you have?

  1. , I'm sorry you're dealing with the anxiety of derm appointment waits. I can hear your concern over the nature of the BCC and whether it might be aggressive - unfortunately we can't provide any medical advice as we're not medical professionals, but I hope we'll hear from others. I've posted this question to the social media page to help find some answers. Of course, only a doc can really identify what's going on.

    I did want to share a couple of articles that talk about the wait times and ideas for advocating for an earlier appointment in case it would help with peace of mind. This one: and this one:

    Please let us know how things go and we'll be thinking of you!

    - Nina, Team

    1. , we heard from one person on Facebook who had morpheaform. I'm sharing their comments here:

      "Yes I did on my nose. There isn't much on the net about it but it's a pretty serious one. It had tried to come back once after 6 yrs."

      "My lab here didn't know what type it was so they sent it to Cleveland Clinic."

      "I had Mohs surgery. It was about the size of a dime on the side of my nose. I did natural healing because the graft they wanted to do would have pulled my nostril up as it healed. Took 9 or 10 weeks to heal using only vaseline to keep it moist. It has smoothed out nicely but it took a long time...I go to the dermatologist on a regular basis. Just had surgery ,10/1 for squamous on my leg."

      I'm also sharing the link here in case you are able to interact with them there:

      I very much hope you end up with a smooth and quick treatment, and hope you will stay in touch!

      Nina, Team

      1. I have actually had Morpheaform BCC on my nose twice. The first time was in 2012 and I had MOHS (nearly 150 stitches inside and out), with a cheek flap reconstruction, all done by a plastic and Reconstructive surgeon I used to work for. It took 3 times of going in to get clear margins. The cancer returned in the same area last year and I had MOHS and reconstruction surgery at a well known cancer hospital (recommended). It took two times of cutting to obtain clear margins. This time I had a double nose flap. According to the surgeon, if it returns in this area, they will do skin transplants because there is not anymore skin there to use.
        I just received my pathology results today from my biopsies last week and thankfully, the lesion on on my face is Nodular BCC and not Morpheaform! It still requires MOHS, but it is above my eyebrow and not on my nose.
        This is the scariest form of BCC, the most damaging and invasive, but with MOHS and a great plastic surgeon, you will heal. Yes, I still have quite a scar I am dealing with, but I have most of my nose and for that, I am thankful!

        1. , thank you for posting your experience with this! I'm glad it sounds like you got really good care - so important for the best possible outcomes. Tagging here in case they have any follow-ups from their treatment or want to reply. This info will be really helpful to share with anyone else mentioning morpheaform! - Nina, Team

        2. I was diagnosed with infiltrative/morpheaform BCC in 2019 on my R nostril. I never noticed it until it bled every time I dried off my face. It took four passes of Mohs surgery to get clear margins and a plastic surgeon came in right after and did a Z-plasty skin transfer. I was very pleased with little scarring but my right nostril opening is a little misshapen which you can only notice when I tip my head up. All my follow ups to date have been clear according to my derm. So far so good! I am tagging grammas so she might see my experience.

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