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If you could have a 60 second Super Bowl commercial about skin cancer, what would you have communicated?

I often think about how important it is to advocate for safe skin care practices at a macro level. What are your thoughts?

  1. I'd show people working, exercising and playing in the sun in their yard, sunning at the beach, playing on a paddleboard, skiing or just riding in a car with a skin cancer character always silently poking at them without the happy "victims" realizing anything was happening. Then cut to the doctor's office being informed of the damage to their body, the prognosis if not treated and that picking from treatment options is now their best option. End with -prevention is always easier than

    1. Very powerful images. It might also be powerful showing these same folks doing these same things but using some precautions and mitigating the risk. Great idea! Thank you for sharing. Scott moderator

  2. Great! Split screen my images with the situations I mentioned on the left, with people in the right side screen doing the same things with sleeves, pants, hats and sunscreen and getting good news from the Dr at the end. ... my wife's take on what I sent.

    1. I like your commercial idea!

    2. We need to send this to Madison Avenue or Hollywood. I think it would be a very powerful example of how prevention can help. Thank you for your thoughts. Can I star in your commercial? Scott moderator

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