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Is it possibly skin cancer?

So about a month now I have a particular spot in my left side upper back thats been itching me a lot and also has like a muscle achy pain. I went to my GP last week and she said probably just muscle pain and to do some back exercises and prescribed me Triamcinolone Acetonide oinment. As I had my daughter rub the oinment on my back she found a brown spot on my back, when she touched it, it was the exact location where the itching was originating from. I told her to scratch it a bit and I guess the brown spot got removed and it bleed a little bit and became a little ulcerated. I took pictures of the brown bump where it itches badly and I took pictures of it after my daughter had scratched it off. I contacted my GP again and she will refer me to a dermatologist. From the itching, and muslce back ache to the brown spot pictures, can it be skin cancer?

  1. ...I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I know exactly how stressful it can be to question lesions and moles and worry about skin cancer. While we can't diagnose, we can speak from our own experiences. I can tell yo

    I am including a link to a great tool to use during self-checks.

    I use it often.

    Please keep us updated after you see the dermatologist. We are here for you any time and are keeping you in our thoughts!


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