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Is this skin cancer?

I have had this for a few days now. At first it looked like a mosquito bite and was itchy like one. Now its raised like a crater with scaly skin in the middle. It only itches when showering. I have recently developed psoriasis on other parts of my body but that looks different, not like a crater. Please help. I currently have no way to get to a doctor and i want this looked at now.

  1. Hi ! Thank you for sharing, I can understand why you would be concerned about this spot. Unfortunately, we are not qualified to provide medical advice for your own safety and would recommend seeing a doctor or specialist to know for sure. I'll also let others weigh in if they have had similar spots pop up, but wanted to share our image gallery so you can get an idea of what different types of skin cancer can look like: You mentioned that you currently have no way to get to a doctor - have you looked into a telehealth visit with your doctor or specialist? If you haven't already, this might be a good starting point to get a medical professional's thoughts and advice on the next steps. Please keep us posted on how you're doing! -Alexa ( moderator)

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