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Loose lips

I was leaving work recently, and I was covered from head to toe in the 100 degree heat. I could see the woman next to me eyeing me, and then she mentioned skin cancer. I think she was gauging whether that was the reason I was covered up. She then proceeded to tell me about her dear friend who recently died from skin cancer. And she provided graphic detail. I stood there in shock and horror.

I should have responded to the situation. But how? I know she needed to be heard, but it was just more than I could handle. Does this sound familiar? How did you respond?

  1. that definitely sounds like a bit of a difficult situation. While I personally have not been in a similar situation, I can imagine that I would’ve responded much like you did… at a loss for words. You never really expect a stranger to share such sensitive and personal information. Like you said, maybe she just needed to be heard and your listening ear and just being present were exactly what she needed. I wonder how others would respond as well. Thanks for sharing. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Thanks for your response. I thought it might be more common for people to share about a friend, relative who has skin cancer. My cousin has colon cancer, and he said to me when people find out he has colon cancer they often share about a friend or relative with colon cancer. And the friend or relative often did not turn out well.

  2. I try and empathize with a person sharing their stories. I guess I try not to let my own fears invade that space. It is hard, though. There are times though when I am just not in the mood and I have to move on from that conversation. So, I guess it's spotty. Scott moderator

    1. Agreed. Thanks for sharing.

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