Hi , I hope you're doing a little better now! I wanted to share with you the advice from our Facebook post about this, which saw a really huge response (link: https://www.facebook.com/skincancerdotnet/posts/2656739171019307). Keep in mind that people mention different lengths of incision, so that might make quite a difference:
"I've had a BC and SC on my leg, with about a 3 inch scar. Both healed pretty good. Don't push it, but don't baby it either. In 7 weeks, you should be good to go. I used vitamin E oil. If the liquid cost too much, just pop open a cap. If you still feel odd, maybe use a light stretch bandage over it, when you are walking. If it still hurts then, ask your doctor to take a look. Good Luck"
"I had a Mohs done on my lower leg......had to have a pump attached for circulation so it would heal ..... I was told the lower leg has less circulation so therefore a longer healing process....."
"A long time. Treat it carefully and don’t rush it. It will heal and will continue to heal even after you think it has. ❤️"
"Your skin is VERY THIN in that area. You may have “adhesions” ( sticking scar tissue), try doing a light massage in that area. Good luck"
"I felt the pulling of skin so strongly. For years, i my foot and lower leg felt like it was pulling to one side. My incision about 6" long. Attached vein to give calf blood flow. Mine was on the back of my leg. That was 10 years ago next month. It feels normal again."
"My shoulder took me 2 1/2 months ☹"
"I have had close to 30 basal cell removed from various parts of my body and all of them healed differently. I am actually scheduled tomorrow morning to have one behind my knee removed. I know it can get very frustrating dealing with the removals, but you just have to remember this too shall pass and only you know your body well enough to know how to navigate the healing process. Hang in there! "
- Nina, SkinCancer.net Team