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New BCC or SCC spots on face

Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I have, in the past (5-6 years ago) had pre-cancerous spots on my face and chest. I have had: 5-FU for many months; cryo-therapy for a few areas as well as PhotoDynamic Therapy on both the face and the chest.

Now, I have 3-4 places on my face (and chest, several) that I am pretty sure, more severe than what I previously had therapy on.

One is located just above and on my upper lip line, one area a little larger than a pencil eraser on my cheek and one on my lower face about an inch from my jawline.

The lip area appeared within the last year, but has gotten to the point of being extremely scaley, always red and pretty painful when touched.

The cheek is always always red, rough to the touch and somewhat painful to the touch.

The area near my jawline is a dark freckle, flat and smooth, but now developing a red 'ring' around it, but not scaley or rough.

They have me super concerned. I have an appt set for this Thursday with the PA at a new dermatologist as I asked for the first available appt with any of the doctors. I am unable to go back to my original derm as he is located in Indiana and I have since moved to Florida. I do work at a world recognized cancer center and the facility where I am going is with USF Medical, a partner and collaborator with the cancer center.

Can anybody give me any ideas of possible treatment they may suggest since I have already had 3 different types of treatment already? The 5-FU and the PDT treated the entire face and chest (an experience in and of itself).

I am super concerned and very apprehensive. Thoughts or suggestions please!

Thank you in advance!

  1. That’s a very valid question, Laurie. Some doctors treat more conservatively; others are more full-fledged effort in removing the area. Your doctor may want to biopsy your areas. I’ve had some precancerous areas treated with cryosurgery. I’m glad you have an appointment scheduled so you’ll be able to soon find out the plan of action. Please keep us posted on your outcome! Judy, Moderator

    1. I certainly will Judy, thank you!

  2. Well, long story short - I had my dermatology appt last Thursday. Thinking this was a consultation, imagine my surprise walking out after having FIVE biopsies! Four were on my face, 1 large area on my chest. I go back on 3/28 to get my results and next steps. They were pretty sure the areas were bcc and scc. I am probably looking at Mohs.

    I did ask that if I have Mohs anywhere on my face, if they have a plastic surgeon available that works with them to stitch me up...they do! Whew.

    Thanks - more updates to come as the days go by.


    1. Good luck with results. It's always scary.

      1. My first post; however, I wanted to share that I had Mohs surgery on my nose over ten years ago for SCC. I was actually working with a dermatology group who had a doctor experienced in Mohs surgeries, so I was blessed. My nose is not disfigured at all by the surgery and I have had no recurrence. I am thankful. Two months ago, however, my dermatologist biopsied an area near the tip of my nose. Only turned up scar tissue and an AK; however, she suggested I use Efudex on my entire face when I followed up after the biopsy. I had just finished a course on my arms and hands which was not too bad. I was not prepared for the impact on my face!! I have redness, blistering, scaling, pain and tenderness. I have been using a natural moisturizer on it but last evening decided to try vaseline. It seems to be moisturizing better and some of the skin is easily wiping off with a cotton round. But I know I have a long time for this to go away! Apparently I needed the treatment; however, an explanation of the possible occurrences I have experienced would have been helpful! I will suffer through it and maybe not have to have Mohs surgery for worse in the future! But just wanted to encourage that my Mohs surgery was successful and not that bad to go through.

        1. Thank you so much for this positive encouragement, ! I think it was probably really beneficial that your surgeon was so experienced too, definitely something to look for. I'm sorry you're dealing with Efudex now. I wanted to share a couple of links where you might be able to provide and get support, should you like to do so. One is a new Q&A about Efudex on the lip line: The other is our Efudex forum here: So glad you're here and thank you again for posting! - Nina, Team

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