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Scab knocked off post treatment - should I be worried?

I just finished up a 4 week course of Efudix on a small spot on my nose and was ecstatic to finally be at the end and beginning the healing phase.

The day after my final application I went to pick up my upset 8mo - as luck would have it his flailing arm hit me right on that small spot on my nose and knocked the new soft scab completely off. It was incredibly painful and revealed a small “crater” of very raw skin, which immediately began to bead up with a lot of clear liquid. I called my gp office and the nurse said it should be okay and didn’t think it would scar/create healing complications, but couldn’t be sure. She advised me to keep a plaster on it for a couple of days while it was so open and raw to avoid getting any bacteria in it while it closed over.

I’ve since removed the plaster and new skin seems to have filled the hole and it has shrunk in size so I’m assuming that’s a good thing. It has scabbed over with a yellow crust, and is mainly dry at this point.

I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and if it created issues with healing/caused any permanent scarring? I was gutted to have this freak thing happen after 4 careful and tiring weeks of application! Any insight or advice would be hugely appreciated. Thanks.

  1. @Samwich oh no! I can definitely understand feeling gutted by that unexpected turn of events. Babies are so unpredictable no matter how careful we are! I’m glad your gp office was able to give you some advice, it does sound like you’re back on track healing. While I personally haven’t had experience with this, I thought you may find the tips in this article helpful I hope others will also be able to share any tips or personal experiences with you as well! Thinking of you, Julie (team member)

    1. I think you are OK! I was about to say that you shouldn't be concerned, but I am not going to say that because you ARE concerned, and I hate it when I am worried and someone says not to worry. But I will say that I don't think you have cause for concern. I have done Efudex a lot , and scabs seem to come off prematurely one way or another and it ends up fine. Take care, Ronni ( team member)

      1. Hi Julie and Ronnie, thanks so much for your replies. I’m feeling a lot better about the situation! Sounding like things should just heal up on their own (provided I keep flailing baby arms from knocking it again haha). Thanks again 😀

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