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Scared if this bump is skin cancer

Hey everyone, I hope this is ok to ask questions on here if not diagnosed and I’m really sorry if it’s not allowed. My Dad has SCC, BCC and melanoma. So I’m very awake of my skin and any changes there is. I suffer from anxiety and this is really hard for me. Im 35, female. A few months ago I noticed a small bump on my lower left leg. Skin coloured. I noticed today that it has grown and is slightly darker. No pain, it is rough (maybe from scratching it) I showed my Dad, he said he never had any of his look like that, which calmed me down. But I’m scared. I’m making a dr appointment but I’m just wondering if this looks at all familiar? Thank you so much. The circled one is from a few months ago, the other two are from today.

  1. Hi - thank you for sharing. I can completely understand why you would be nervous about a new spot popping up, especially since your father has experience with multiple types of skin cancer. Unfortunately, we cannot provide medical advice for your own safety. I hope making an appointment with your doctor will be able to answer some questions and provide relief! I hope other community members chime in with their thoughts as well, but I wanted to share our image gallery so you can see some examples of what skin cancer can look like: Hope this helps - please keep us posted on how you're doing! -Alexa ( moderator)

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