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Speculating Skin cancer


2 to 3 years back I noticed a black/brown bumpy mole on my shoulder. It was quite big but from then the size hasn't increased. I am not sure what was the initial size and when it grew bigger. I also have same size mole on leg but there are other tiny black spots too. 2 black spots next to that big mole are there from past two years. Also, I have been noticing new ones on my thighs and stomach. I am really concerned.
I do understand it requires diagnosis but finding hard to get doctor appointment. Could someone please tell whether it looks like melanoma?Mole on leg

  1. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I know how stressful it is to wonder and not have answers.

    While we aren't doctors and cannot diagnose, we can share our own experiences. I can tell you that my melanoma was irregularly shaped--more like a horseshoe. No two melanomas are alike, though. I am including an article that may help you. It lists the ABCDEs of melanoma and helps you understand what to watch for.

    I would definitely recommend you make an appointment with a dermatologist to have a skin check. It sounds like you are already doing a great job with self-checks, and that is a wonderful thing. Here is an article that gives some further tips on self-checks.

    A dermatologist will be able to give you a better idea of what exactly you are dealing with and might even suggest a biopsy. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us any time and keep us posted! We are here for you!

    April,, Moderator

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