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Should I stop applying Efudex to an area that has already responded?

22 days into a 28 day treatment, once a day across entire face. My chin area has started to crust over and the skin is yellow. Other areas are still red and not eroding? Should I continue to apply to chin area or avoid it and just use on remaining, non crusted area?

  1. This is a question that only a qualified medical person can help you with.

    All of us suffer from skin cancer and have been treated with Efudex or similar. Each one of us responds in a different way and have had different instructions from our doctors.

    The simple answer here is to carry out the treatment for the period dictated by your doctor. Anything else would be dangerous.

    1. Hi Tony-B I did stick it out, thanks and am now done for the time being...into the healing phase...Ouch it hurts. The doc didn't give any advice on this part. I am off to sit in the access clinic today (we are short of Drs so no appointments available to book) to get a sick note for work and some hydrocortisone and advice. I work in a store, don't want to frighten the customers !!

  2. , it's really tricky working during these treatments, especially when you have customers who might not understand what they're seeing! Did you get any useful info from the clinic that you could share with us? - Nina, Team

    1. Sorry replies keep going into junk advice from the advice I've seen about facing people is that they don't really care as they are often too wrapped up in what they are doing and soon forget you! That was a post on FB from a daughter to a mother - very wise teenager X

    2. Ack I hate when the replies do that! Fantastic advice, I think that was one of the best lessons I've learned, and also need to be constantly reminded. A wise teen indeed! - Nina, Team

  3. When someone tells others they have cancer of the liver or cancer of the lungs etc, everyone is full of sympathy and often hug that person.

    When someone tells others they have skin cancer, they are treated like lepers in the old days. Most people probably think that skin cancer is contagious.

    Not enough public information out there in the public domain.

    1. Hi Nina M...well the 1st day the access clinic was full, so didn't see anyone. Tried again today. Just saw the GP...he gave me a sicknote for work as he couldn't believe what I looked like or that I'd treated my whole face either..real disconnect between the derms advice and the docs...she advised me to get the hydrocotisone but he wouldn't prescribe it and thought I shouldn't use anything except a paraffin based emoillient. He wasn't convinced that I should look red and crusty! But i don't look any different or worse than most people I've seen on the internet! I have to do my chest next...he suggested I see him before I start that..hmmmm

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