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to shave or not to shave?

I'll be starting Efudex in 2 weeks on my cheek. With all the redness and scabbing, how do you deal with shaving? thanks

  1. are you starting your treatment this weekend? While I do not have personal experience with shaving and using Efudex, I can only imagine how uncomfortable that may be. Were you by chance able to reach out to your doctor about this? -Julie (team member)

    1. Thanks for replying. I started last week applying it nightly and covering day and night, following dr instructions. Doctor suggested I not shave for the duration of the treatment. I'd rather not but I will do what I have to do. Once the skin begins peeling, I would stop the treatment as the dr suggested and would shave once the skin has healed. Then resume the treatment. I need 42 applications as opposed to 2 or 3 months as I have seen from other posts.

      1. You would have a better consitution than I, if you are able to shave. I use clippers and just keep a close trim. It is a bit more tolerable, also it helps cover some of the scaling and other issues using the cream. Who knows you may like the more rugged look, if not it gives you something to look forward to ( getting to take it off).

        1. Dealing with shaving while on Efudex can be challenging due to the redness and scabbing. I found that using an electric shaver on a low setting helped minimize irritation. Also, avoiding shaving over the most affected areas is crucial. For additional tips and support, I highly recommend checking out This site was a lifeline for me during tough times, offering practical advice and a community of people going through similar experiences. The insights and shared stories made navigating the treatment process much easier and less isolating. Stay strong, and best of luck with your treatment!

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