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Among a background of shining waves and sparkles, a woman's voice is magnified through a megaphone and joins the rainbow fray.

Skin Cancer Awareness Month, Find Your Voice and Raise It!

In 1988, when I was first diagnosed with melanoma, the lady (a family friend at the time and who happened to be a nurse) who brought it to my attention, said something like this to me, “That looks like “black death”, like melanoma. Have you ever had melanoma?” With the loud jacuzzi running in the background at the pool party, I really thought she had said, “That looks like “black death”, like Oklahoma. Have you ever been to Oklahoma?” I had no awareness about melanoma or skin cancer, no clue about it. It was just another summer day in southern California and I was in the jacuzzi. I was in no mind to discuss “black death” or really anything else.

Skin cancer awareness

So, let’s move this tale 32 years along to 2020. Obviously, I know what skin cancer is and the reality that it is raising havoc in so many lives. I also know that there is something we can do about it. The Skin Cancer Foundation agrees, “With over 5 million cases diagnosed in the United States each year, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Fortunately, skin cancer is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer.”1 It’s the most common AND one of the most preventable. Let’s chew on that.

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The most common cancer

It’s the most common. We all have skin. It comes beautifully in many hues and shades and we all have it. Skin cancer can affect anyone with skin, so it is a community health problem, which requires a community health solution. This is where WE come in. WE are the community. There is an old expression that refers to someone as “having skin in the game” that applies here. We are all at risk, some more than others for sure. This is OUR battle.

One of the most preventable cancers

It’s one of the most preventable. Sure there is debate about the role of genetics in skin cancer, but the medical profession is pretty clear that we can help do something to mitigate the risk of getting skin cancer. Whether it be regular check-ups, self-checks, applying sunscreen, or monitoring sun exposure, we can make a difference. This is where WE come in. We can get the word out. We can educate others with our stories, with our knowledge, with our statistics. We can find our voice AND raise it!

How I support and advocate

Here is how I have found mine.

  • I speak out publicly, sensitively and honestly
  • I write and create videos about my experiences and my personal research
  • I engage others respectfully, online and off
  • I advocate through government channels
  • I try out products and services that may help others
  • I support causes that support skin cancer research
  • I support those battling with the disease
  • I honor those who have passed

May is skin cancer awareness month

Find your own voice AND raise it. Start with one thing and commit to it. You don’t have to be a great communicator, just an honest, caring one. People love authenticity. Engaging others on is a great place to start from the comfort of your own living room. If you feel you want to take the next step, there are many ways to do that. So, my question is this, in May, how will you find and your voice AND raise it?

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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