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Keeping up With Skin-Friendliness During the Quarantine

Right now most people in the country are quarantined - at least to some level. While some states are allowing certain types of travel, others are more strict, especially those in hot spots for COVID-19. While many of us are stuck at home, this is a great time to do things that you don't normally have time for. But it is important to practice safety and keep up with skin-friendliness during the quarantine. So, here is how to stay safe outdoors.

Sun protection during COVID-19

Some people who are out of work, or stuck at home, like to do things like yard work, landscaping, and cleaning up. While others may simply want to look at this as a time they can relax a little and may enjoy time by the pool or playing ball with the kids or pets. No matter which you prefer, it isn't the time to forget about staying safe from the sun while you are exposed to UVB rays.

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These UVB rays are what gives us a sunburn and exposes our skin to the harmful effects of the sun, which can cause skin cancer. If you've had skin cancer in the past, then you know how important it is to protect yourself from these harmful rays. The problem is, this is a very stressful time for many people. Whether it's not knowing if you'll have a job, being around your family 24/7, or trying to pay the bills, things like protecting your skin may seem not as important.

And of course, we realize that it is indeed important to you but when life gets stressful, sometimes you may not focus on what kind of SPF you have or when is the best time to be outside.

Try to maintain a positive attitude

The first thing to do is to try to keep a positive outlook. While it is not always easy to do when bad things are happening or life is uncertain, it really helps you in a lot of ways. Not only does a positive outlook help your mental health but it may help your immune system. There have actually been studies done of this very thing that showed that it may indeed strengthen cell-mediated immunity.1

Be aware of your time outside

Try to stay inside during the hours of 10AM-4PM. Those hours are the time of day when the sun is most harmful and we all realize how a sunburn is bad for you. If you do plan to be outside, use a high SPF lotion or sunscreen, wear a hat, and either wear clothing that covers you well or is UV-blocking clothing.

Stay conscious of sun protection

The same way that you stay safe while on vacation or doing what you normally do, needs to apply to your time at home. It's easy to have your mind on other things and slip up but your skin health is important. You can still enjoy your outdoor activities while you're at home. Just try to be as thoughtful as you can on keeping up with skin-friendliness and mindful of staying safe outdoors.

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