Do you still take beach vacations or go on cruises? Has your vacationing changed since your diagnosisHow has skin cancer changed the way you get away?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAwarenessFriends & Family
If you could have a do-over with regard to skin care, what would you do?In golf, we call it a mulligan. We get the chance to hit another ball when the first one goes afoul of our intended aim. What about you? What would...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAwarenessPrevention
What do you tell others when they ask you about good sun care practices?If you had three minutes on an elevator to pitch your ideas about good sun care, what would you say?...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesAwarenessFriends & FamilyTips & Advice
Medication and skin cancer linkI have recurring skin cancers and have been recently researching some of the medications I am taking because I’ve been switched from propranolol to candesartan for my migraines. I have...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesAwareness
When you think about skin cancer do you see it as something not to worry about or something that will never be gone from your mind?My mind goes from obsessing about my skin to not giving it a second thought. What about you?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAwarenessDiagnosis
What part of the body are you most concerned about getting sun damage?My dermatologist recently told me that I had sun damage on my calves. That has stuck with me. What areas of your body concern you the most?...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesAwarenessDiagnosisPrevention
Does cooler weather make you less likely to think about protecting yourself from the sun?It's cooler in many areas and we are putting on sweaters and jeans. Does this change the way you think about sun protection?...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAwarenessWeather
What do you look for when you do a self check?I feel like I have to look at more than just a mole changing. The more I understand skin cancer the more I realize that when anything changes in my...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAwarenessDiagnosisPrevention
Am I in the erosion stage yet?Can someone please tell me if I’m in the erosion stage yet with efodux...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAwareness
Worried about a red patch that won't go away. Hello I've had this red patch on my scalp for over 10 month now, it's gone a bit bigger and it stings. It is sore to touch and will not...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwareness